
Welcome to my little contribution to Cee’s Share Your World challenge. It’s week 7 today folks, and it’s couch potato questions this time around.

What is your favorite couch potato activity: readings, watching movies, watching sports, napping, anything on TV, computer games, play cards, or other?

My main couch potato activities are reading, watching movies, and video games. I will watch television shows or sports if it’s on, but I don’t usually care too much what’s on.

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?

One of my favorite pizzas is Hawaiian, with pineapple and ham. I also like plain cheese and the “supreme” type pizzas, with different meats and veggies on them. Barbecue chicken pizzas are good too. Also, I’ve had California Pizza Kitchen’s Pear and Gorgonzola Pizza. Sounds crazy, but it’s really good.

It looks pretty weird too, but it does taste good.
It looks pretty weird too, but it does taste good.

What is your favorite genre of movie or book?

For movies, I like action, science-fiction, fantasy, and some mysteries. My wife likes the horror/thriller movies, so I’ve seen a lot of those. A lot of them I’ve enjoyed, but left to my own devices, I probably wouldn’t choose to watch most of them. It’s give and take though. She’s sat through some pretty bizarre action/martial arts movies that I’ve picked out for us to watch.

For books, I like action, science-fiction, fantasy, and some mysteries. 🙂 I also like some of the classics. For instance, I just started reading Treasure Island by Robert Luis Stevenson, first published in 1883 I believe.

Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake first?

Hmm. Cake. Okay. If I eat cake, I’m eating the frosting and the cake at the same time. But, not all cake has frosting. In my family, when we had strawberry short cake, my mom would make up a sweet yellow cake. We would all put a piece in a bowl, bury it in fresh strawberries, and pour milk over it. So good. (I know there’s other ways to have strawberry short cake that doesn’t involve cake. My wife’s family, for example, will have a biscuit in a bowl, buried in strawberries, with whipped cream on top. Still really good.)

See? No frosting.

Also, my dad’s favorite cake was pineapple upside down cake. My mom made it every year for his birthday.

3 thoughts on “pieces of my world: week 7

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